Veganism is a dietary lifestyle that abstains from consuming animal products for ethical, health, and environmental reasons.
Many people believe that switching to a vegan diet will automatically make them healthier. But a bowl of green veggies and a pack of Oreo biscuits are both vegan, yet only one of them is healthy!
Like any other diet, the key to good health is ensuring you’re getting enough of the proper nutrients into your body.
A well-balanced diet is essential to stay healthy as a vegan, and with the correct information, you can significantly improve your health and state of well-being on a vegan diet.
Healthy Food Options for Vegans
As a vegan, you want to ensure a diversified diet, so you’re getting the proper nutrition from various food sources. Here is a list of foods you want to include in your diet to ensure longevity and good health as a vegan.
1. Nuts & Seeds
Nuts and seeds may not provide adequate calories, but they’re packed with the necessary macro and micronutrients needed by the body to sustain its energy levels throughout the day.
Consuming a handful of the right nuts and seeds in the morning takes care of a significant portion of your daily nutritional requirements.
Walnuts, flax seeds, and chia seeds are rich sources of Omega-3, a nutrient that can be difficult to obtain on a vegan diet. So be sure to include these in your daily menu.
2. Soy Products
Soy products like tofu and tempeh are rich in protein, another nutrient that can be difficult to source on a vegan diet.
But it’s crucial to ensure you’re getting minimally processed soy products so your body can break down the nutrients efficiently. Aside from protein, tofu and tempeh are also rich in iron and calcium, which help boost energy levels and strengthen the skeletal system.
While you’ll find many myths surrounding the harmful effects of tofu and tempeh, consuming soy in moderation (2 or 3 times a week) is perfectly safe and will work wonders on your overall state of health.
Tofu is also rich in choline, a nutrient essential for the healthy functioning of the liver, brain, and nervous system.
3. Grains and Legumes
Grains and legumes should form the bulk of your daily diet as a vegan. Legumes are rich in various nutrients, including zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and other essential compounds.
Legumes are also rich in protein and certain antioxidants essential for tissue repair and muscle growth in the body.
Grains will provide you with the carbohydrates to fuel your body through any intense activity you engage in. When choosing grains, it’s essential to stick to the more complex ones, like quinoa, brown rice, and amaranth.
These grains contain the nutrients mentioned earlier, along with selenium and phosphorous, to give your body a wholesome nutrition profile.
Grains and legumes need to be consumed together as each provides a variety of essential amino acids to the body. By eating both regularly, you ensure your body is getting everything it needs to function optimally.
4. Fruits and Vegetables
This one is a no-brainer. Diversifying the kinds of fruits and veggies, you consume regularly can help resolve any nutritional deficiencies in the body.
Fruits are an excellent source of healthy sugars and fiber, both of which are necessary for a healthy digestive system. Vegetables are similar in that they offer a variety of nutrients that the body can easily absorb.
The key here is to consume as many different colors as possible as the colors dictate the kind of nutrients your body is receiving.
For example, the orangish hue on sweet potatoes and carrots indicates the presence of Vitamin A and consuming either will ensure you have a steady supply of this compound.
Plan Your Diet
When you get started on a vegan diet, it can be pretty overwhelming to consider all the possible options available to you. So it’s best to find out what nutrients your body needs and find vegan sources of these nutrients.
Once you’ve compiled a list, you can find recipes that include the ingredients in your inventory and design a vegan menu specifically for you.