Veganism is the new fad in the fitness industry, with its advocates touting benefits like accelerated weight loss and a healthy physique.
But does a vegan diet help with weight loss?
In essence, a wholesome plant-based diet can help you lose weight a lot quicker than most other diets out there. However, the keyword here is wholesome, and an unbalanced diet, vegan or not, can harm more than help.
Is Losing Weight Easy on a Vegan Diet?
Before we explore why losing weight is easy on a vegan diet, a few factors must be taken into account.
- Plenty of junk food is entirely vegan, including potato chips and Oreos. So even if you decide to go vegan, the kind of food you eat is vital to weight loss.
- Rather than purely depending on the concept of veganism, it’s more effective to focus on a balanced supply of nutrients when losing weight on a plant-based diet.
While the kind of food you eat matters, losing weight is more straightforward on a vegan diet. Here’s why.
1. Plenty of Fiber
Plant-based diets are rich in fiber, an essential nutrient for regulating blood flow, lowering cholesterol levels, and improving digestion.
Fiber helps with weight loss as it keeps your stomach full, leaving you satiated and less likely to snack between meals.
Additionally, fiber also prevents fluctuation in blood sugar levels, and irregular blood sugar can lead to overeating.
Most people argue that vegan food like fruits and certain veggies are rich in carbs and can lead to weight gain. However, the ratio of fiber to carbs is more important than carbs alone.
A body with higher levels of fiber will use up carbohydrates quickly and switch to glycogen as a fuel source. Most of the glycogen in your body is stored in fat, and this is why going vegan can help you burn more fat during your workouts.
2. Low in Saturated Fats
Animal foods are rich in saturated fats, a compound that is responsible for obesity and heart disease. Saturated fats get stored easily, and it’s challenging for the body to get rid of them.
Plant-based food sources are free from saturated fats and provide your body with healthy fats instead. The mere absence of saturated fats helps to accelerate weight loss in those switching to a vegan diet.
3. Plant Foods Offer Fewer Calories
Most plant-based foods, including grains and other simple carbohydrates, offer fewer calories than animal products. Yet, they provide adequate nutrition to your body while filling you up.
The reduced caloric intake is perhaps the leading cause of weight loss in people who switch to a vegan diet.
It’s important to mention here that fewer calories do not imply less energy or adverse health effects. All calories aren’t created equal, and the calories from a whole food plant-based diet offer more value than processed animal foods.
4. Higher Energy Levels
While this doesn’t directly translate to weight loss, higher energy levels can play a significant role as most people focus on a combination of proper diet and physical exercise.
It’s a challenge to digest animal products, and since digestion is the most energy-consuming process in the body, we get drained out quickly after eating a heavy meal. In essence, you are expending more energy than you receive from your food.
However, plant-based food sources are easier for the body to break down, digest, and absorb, minimizing energy loss.
While the vegan diet can help you shed weight, it’s essential to work out or perform some form of exercise to burn away the excess fat. And there may be instances where you feel like skipping a workout because you’re feeling sluggish or lethargic.
On a plant-based diet, your energy levels are usually elevated, making it much easier to convince yourself to head to the gym when it’s time to sweat.
Chart Out a Diet Plan
While going vegan can accelerate weight loss and make it easier to achieve your goals, it’s essential to chart out a diet plan and ensure you’re putting the right nutrients into your body.
With proper plant food and a clear workout plan, you’ll quickly shed those extra pounds and live a healthier, happier life.